Math and Science

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Our School Year in Review

Its been a fun year of first grade and preschool.  Joelle is learning a lot and Jaren has been excited to join in by doing his own school stuff.  I took photos to commemorate our first day of school last September

This has been a big milestone year for Joelle.  She got to join a coop this year that we will be working to turn into a charter school for homeschool families.  She was very excited to get to go to school every Monday all day.  Since January the format has changed, and she goes once a month for half a day.  But, hopefully it will be approved for charter sponsorship with the school district, and next year she will enjoy weekly full days again.  It has been a wonderful thing to be involved in!  We continue with Community Bible Study on Tuesdays.  Every other Wednesday, we also have American Heritage Girls.  This was Joelle's first year being a part of the larger group, and getting to wear a vest, and earn badges.  It has been a great program to be involved in, and I have enjoyed being a leader as well. 

I have also started a sensory play and art school in my home once a week.  A lot of my focus for planned arts and crafts, and planned play experiences, goes to that day.  It has been working pretty well since both of my kids are at an age where I can plan things they enjoy and it works perfectly for my school.  It also provides them with a great chance to have peers over and interact with each other.  We do a lot of fun things together during the school morning on Fridays.

I realized it had been a long time since I did an update, so here is a look at what we have been up to.  Please stay tuned for my upcoming reviews of curriculum we have been using such as Sonlight, My Father's World 2-3 year old Preschool Program, All About Reading, Book Shark Science, and several others coming soon! 




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