Math and Science

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Touchable Tuesday- Fun times with my kids

There are many manipulatives, crafts, games, and toys that we thoroughly enjoy.  I thought I would start a new feature on this blog called Touchable Tuesday.  Every Tuesday I will post about something we have been enjoying playing with together.  These will be toys, games, crafts, or manipulatives that have worked well for us.  Stay tuned for Touchable Tuesday every week to learn about something new!

Touchable Tuesday- Heart Math
It is the month of Valentine's Day, and we have a full stock of heart themed supplies! A couple days ago my daughter asked if we could get it all out, so I pulled out my four gallon Ziploc bag full of all our February stuff.  We now have a bin full of heart themed toys, a sensory bin, decorative window clings throughout the house, a bag of Valentine stickers, and a stack of Valentine storybooks.  My daughter loves being able to get all of our goodies out with each new holiday. She and her brother enjoyed playing with all our themed stuff!
When I made our sensory bin two or three years ago, I saw a bag of red acrylic hearts at Micheal's and I just couldn't resist getting them to add to the theme. Later, I got some pink ones too. So in our bin we have a large assortment of pink and red hearts.  They are shiny and appealing to play with! Usually for the month of February I pull about half of them out of our bin so we can use them for math games. I love finding ways for my girl to do learning activities while she is basically playing. Since she doesn't see these hearts any other time of the year, they are a special and fun manipulative to use.
Would you like some hearts for your manipulative collection?  You can find them here in my Amazon store
Here are some of the games we have done with our hearts:

Counting out how many of each color and comparing the numbers

Adding a handful of red hearts to a handful of pink hearts- hands-on addition problems :)

Experimenting with our scale.  She really loved this activity and played with it for awhile.  We counted out how many hearts it needed on each side in order to be balanced

Lining up all the hearts on the floor to see how far they went across the room.  We also counted them as we did this.

Measuring ourselves with the hearts.  She loved this activity too and thought it was so funny!  After that, she happily went to her room with all the hearts so she could measure her toys :)
That was our simple and fun manipulative math this week.  Join in on the fun!  What will you do for Touchable Tuesday?  I'd love to hear your ideas.  :)

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