Math and Science

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Advent Project

Getting Ready for Advent:

I've never done a big Advent thing with my kids.  But, this year I have planned some fun stuff!  I bought Truth in the Tinsel, which is awesome.  A way of focusing on the true meaning of Christmas (the birth of Jesus) by reading a little devotional, passage from the Bible each day, and doing an ornament craft that goes along with the theme.  I'm excited about going through this with my kids!

I found a pack of 12 mini stockings at Grocery Outlet for around $4.  I got two packs, and I'm set with little stocking ornaments to hang on the tree, to be taken down each day of Advent.

With Truth in the Tinsel, there is a clue each day for the kids to get- as a reminder of something to listen for as I read the scripture and devotional to them.  So, I laminated all the clues to put in the stockings.  I also printed out each days' page, folded it up and put it in the appropriate stockings.  So, each day Joelle will find the right stocking and pull out our page for the day along with the clue.

I also packaged up all the individual items needed for the different days in little bags and labeled them with the day numbers, so it will be easy for me to gather everything that is needed for each craft.  I went to the Dollar Tree and found all the additional items I needed to complete my craft box of supplies for Advent.  I found sequins, colorful jewels for crafts, flat marbles, sparkly craft foam, jingle bells, and a ball ornament.  I was so surprised I was able to find all those things for $1 each.  Now we are all set and ready to begin starting December first.

I'm also doing one more thing for Advent which I just couldn't resist after I saw the idea.  I am wrapping children's Christmas books, putting them all in a basket, and letting the kids pick one each day.  I just thought this would be another fun thing we can do.  I bought a handful of new Christmas books, but I mainly got my books through the library.  Most of them are about Jesus' birth, or a new spin of that story.  I'm excited about doing this activity too.

School Time:

We are still busy with school and activities, though I think we have been doing more "unschooling" things lately than concrete Kindergarten work.  We have still been enjoying This Reading Mama's Reading the Alphabet

I also got her the book Math Lessons for a Living Education, which we have been working through slowly.  I like that it ties math into a story of kids experiencing life on a farm.  This is math application learning, which seems so relevant!  She has been really enjoying it!

We have just finished reading Charlotte's Web, and we are getting ready to start the Little House series.  I also bought a couple books, and Little House paper dolls, that I am adding to our collection.  We will be doing a little unit study on Little House on the Prairie that involves crafts and cooking.  I'm so excited about this.  I know she will love it too since she loves Little House on the Prairie and dressing up like Laura.

For Christmas, I am buying some unique things for Joelle, such an art set along with DVD art lessons and kid sized cooking utensils.  She does not need toys, yet she will still get them.  I figured we should get her some other things that will be very useful as well as fun for her.  I'm really excited about these, as I'm sure she will be too.  I'm planning on doing art and cooking lessons with her during Jaren's nap at least once or twice a week.

This past week with the huge snowstorm, we have spent a lot more time at home- which is fine too.  We built a huge blanket fort in the dining room and Joelle has enjoyed sleeping in it at night.  I've got Christmas on my mind.  Things are arriving the mail from Amazon.  So, wrapping has begun.  I'm excited about this season!  Especially as my kids are getting to the age where they can truly enjoy it.

Learning to read using our pocket chart!

So proud of herself!
This is what Jaren decided to do one day while I was doing school stuff with Joelle.  I guess he has his Mom's organization streak!

Halloween Cuteness!

How many more pictures, Mom!

Tea party time in the playhouse during Jaren's nap

Fun with Daddy!

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