Math and Science

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Tuesday Fun Box

We slept in again this morning, and I went to the doctor and found out I have a sinus infection.  Now, I have an antibiotic for ten days and I'm hopeful that I will be feeling better soon.  With my doctor appointment and then waiting an hour for my prescription to be filled, Joelle spent the morning with Grandma and Aunt Aileen.

First thing this morning, before I could get Joelle dressed she took off her own pajamas.  She was just wearing her onsie and then she put her winter boots on.  I snapped a couple pictures because I thought she looked so funny!  She has really been obsessed with dressing lately!

We pulled out the fun box this afternoon after Joelle's nap.  Here are the contents of today's box:

She definetly had her favorites out of the box today!  She loves the book Paper Parade because its so rhythmical.  It has words in it that she can repeat easily and the illustrations are amazing!  She also loved the Easter Hunt book because it has lots of flaps to lift and look under.

She loves her Bullfrogs and Butterflies cd!  It is a Christian kids' cd that I remember from my own childhood, so I really enjoyed it too.  She listened to the whole thing twice, dancing along through a lot of it.

She had very little interest in the puzzle or the Time for Tot's tong and fruits game.  So, I didn't push it on either of those.  Some days she has very strong preferences about what she wants to do.  Which is fine with me.  She spent some time playing the farm bingo game by herself, putting the coins in the slot and pulling them out again.  Then she cleaned it up by herself, singing the cleanup song and everything (when she is singing that song the words "cleanup" and "everybody" are very clear!)  And then she brought the bag with the toy in it back to me.  I was impressed!

We spent a lot of time playing with her little plastic rings, making necklaces and hats.  She also loved putting them together and pulling them apart and then filling the bucket with them.

She has been putting a lot of things in her mouth lately.  I think she may be teething a little bit again!  When does teething ever end!?

Another activity from the box that Joelle really enjoyed was painting with a little watercolor set.  This was the first time she has ever done this.  I recently bought her a couple painting supplies, and we are starting to try them out.  She really enjoyed this activity!  She started out with a brush, but eventually she just ended up using her finger.  She was really concentrating, and I think she also liked the way the paint felt on her fingers, or the way it felt to rub the paint tray with her fingers.  This was a very fun activity for us!

Right after painting, she wanted to wash her hands.  So, then we had about a half hour of water play at the kitchen sink.  She absolutely LOVES it!  It usually ends in a tantrum because she would play at the sink all day if I let her.  But, it is a fun, free activity that we have recently discovered.

That is how our day went today.  So, far the fun boxes have been great.  I think the more I do this, the more I will learn what appeals to and interests my daughter.  Which would be a great thing to really know.  We will explore another box tomorrow!

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