Math and Science

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Thursday Fun Box

This morning started out too early at 7:30 AM!  Usually we sleep past 8:00 or 8:30.  And since I am getting Joelle to sleep in her crib all night lately, I have to wake up in the middle of the night to rock her back to sleep and lay her back down.  So, I am feeling more tired than usual.

We came out on the couch and snuggled together and watched the Today show for awhile.  At one point I snoozed a bit while Joelle played with her peel able fruit on the floor right in front of the couch.  She was so good!  I woke up to her saying, "Mommy, wake up!" over and over.  I must have really fallen asleep for a few minutes.  But, Joelle obviously did fine entertaining herself and staying nearby playing on the floor.

Here are the contents of today's fun box:

Once I was awake enough to get off the couch, Joelle went right for the fun box!  She played with a peg/mouse game for awhile.  And did really well.  Then she cleaned the whole thing up, singing the cleanup song and everything!

We had to do some shopping today, so didn't get to the rest of the box until late this afternoon.  She enjoyed the Time for Tots game today of putting tiny animals in a pill box container:

And we also really enjoyed painting today!  I had bought her some Crayola tempera paints in a box of six different colors.  I put a dab of each color in a little tray, gave her as many brushes as she wanted, and let her go at it.  She really preferred to use her fingers.  And she even let me paint her hands to make hand prints.  We had fun with this craft today!


  1. I remember the first time I realized I'd fallen asleep on the couch and left my toddler to her own devices...mortified! But she was fine, of course. :) you're doing great, mama!
